Weekly Practice

We meet twice weekly in-person* at 12035 Mountcrest Rd, Huntsville, AL.

Weekly meetings also have a virtual option.  Please see our Virtual Support page.

We welcome new participants!  Please see the Newcomers page for instructions before attending your first time.

Inquiries can be emailed to: greenmountainzenhsv@gmail.com.


Please check this space for any cancellations (or inquire by email) before planning to attend.

Sunday Meditation 6:00pm – 7:30pm

Brief chanting period followed by two periods of sitting meditation with a short period of walking meditation.

Newcomers are encouraged to stay at least for the first sitting and walking meditation sessions. We have a tradition of eating together at a local deli after the service, providing an opportunity to socialize.  This is open to any who wish to participate, but is not required.

Download Chants Card

Guide to Zendo Etiquette

Wednesday Dharma Discussion 7:00pm – 8:30pm

More information can be found on the Wednesday Study page.


Please do NOT park on the street or in the grass yard in front of the house.  Parking is available in the driveway on the right side of the house, or on the unpaved gravel drive on the left side of the house.  On the gravel drive, stay left of the row of rocks (off the grass).


Offering weekly practice and periodic retreats would not be possible without the generous support of friends. All donations are used to cover operating expenses for the GMZC zendo. Expenses include monthly and yearly maintenance fees associated with hosting the GMZC web site and virtual meetings, lamp oil and incense for the zendo, and expenses for periodic retreats.

Cash or checks are accepted. Checks may be made out to “Green Mountain Zen Center”.

We neither profit nor attempt to profit.  We consider this a matter of spiritual integrity.